Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Kim K in undies for Cosmo shoot

Kim KardashianDavid Factor/Cosmopolitan UK

Isn't it annoying when perfect-looking celebs witter on about how they can eat whatever they like and they just don't seem to get fat/don't care?

That's why we don't usually cover that sort of rubbish - however we will make an exception for the lovely Kim Kardashian - who has been speaking to Cosmopolitan about her eating habits for the mag's "body" issue.
US reality TV star Kim has got glammed up (and stripped off) for a big interview in the UK edition of Cosmo.

She said: "Sometimes I pig out and I still feel great, and think, 'That was so worth it!' That's how I feel a lot of the time. I think, 'See this little dimple of cellulite here? It was so worth it for that cookies 'n' cream ice cream!'

"If I was stuck on a diet my whole life, I would be really miserable. I love to eat. If you can't enjoy your life then what's the point? You can't torture yourself. I love Rice Krispies Treats, ice cream and frozen yogurt."

She says she knows she'll never be really skinny, but just wants to be healthy - and so has never smoked and drinks in moderation.

And, unsurprisingly, she doesn't have a lot of time for the whole size zero thing.

She said: "It's just a number. Your best measure is to look in the mirror. I always say you shouldn't weigh yourself. I don't even have a set of scales in my house.

"Personally, I've always loved the curvy look. Even when I was a little girl and all my friends would be like, 'Oh, my god, your butt's so big'. And I'd say, 'I love it'."

And we love it too Kim, we really do.

What do you reckon? Is Kim a good role model for girls? Comment below...

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Kim is a little ray of sunshine, which is more than we can say about a lot of these celebs...



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