After this programme, led by the bewitching personality of Ian McMillan, I felt better about modern technology and rap, writes Zoe Williams
The No 219 Sodcast Project (Radio 4) is a title that takes so much deciphering, if I saw it in the schedule (rather than just having the radio on all the time, unless there is a war) I would turn over. But, since I'll be listening to it anyway, I may as well unpack it: No 219 is a bus in Wakefield.
A "sodcast" is where young people play music out loud on their phones, often "full-on, aggressive, nihilistic" (according to an "elderly person". This is how two of the teens refer to people who grew up in the 80s and 90s. Oh my sides.) Adults hate sodcasting, the "dush dush dush dush" gives everyone a headache. Five years ago, I lived somewhere not on the London tube, and the young people ? this was before sodcasting ? used to infuriate me with their shouting. Then I heard a programme (also on Radio 4) about how part of adolescent awakening drives them to annex public space using any available means, in a kind of sexual territorialism.
After that, I felt better about it. Similarly, after this programme, which covers similar ground but in a very different way, led by the bewitching personality of Ian McMillan (left), I felt better about modern technology and rap. Ah, Radio 4: building a bridge between the old and the young, since 1967. At the end, McMillan composes his own sodcast. Somewhere between a rap and a shanty, it finishes: "If you don't like it, you can stick it! In an official letter of complaint . . . "
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